The superMe story

superMe is rooted in the belief that nature heals. Growing up in Austria, I experienced the profound benefits of pure natural herbs and tea, inspiring me to bring these traditions to Dubai. Frustrated by the lack of 100% natural loose herbal teas in the market—most were either flavored or contained teabags (with micro plastic)—I founded our brand to revive centuries-old herbal wisdom, curating teas that prioritize both taste and well-being.


How much loose tea per cup?

The amount of loose tea needed per cup can vary depending on personal preference, the type of tea, and how strong you like your tea. However, a general guideline is to use about 1 to 2 teaspoons of loose tea leaves per 8-ounce cup of water. Here are some common recommendations:

  1. Black Tea: 1 to 2 teaspoons per cup
  2. Green Tea: 1 teaspoon per cup
  3. White Tea: 1 to 2 teaspoons per cup
  4. Oolong Tea: 1 to 2 teaspoons per cup
  5. Herbal Tea: 1 to 2 teaspoons per cup (herbal teas can be more forgiving, and you can adjust according to your taste)

It's essential to experiment and adjust the amount of tea based on your taste preferences. If you like a stronger brew, you can add more tea leaves, and if you prefer a milder flavor, use fewer leaves. Also, be sure to consider the size of your tea leaves; larger leaves may require more space to expand and infuse properly.

Is loose leaf tea better than tea bags?

1. Quality and Flavor:

  • Loose Tea: Boasts superior quality with whole or larger tea leaves, offering a richer and more complex flavor profile.
  • Tea Bags: May contain smaller, broken leaves, potentially compromising the overall quality and resulting in a simpler flavor compared to loose tea.

2. Brewing Expertise:

  • Loose Tea: Appeals to tea enthusiasts who appreciate the art of brewing, allowing for customization of brewing parameters such as water temperature and steeping times.
  • Tea Bags: Offers convenience but lacks the flexibility for those who enjoy experimenting with brewing techniques.

3. Variety and Customization:

  • Loose Tea: Provides a vast array of tea varieties and blends, catering to diverse tastes. Allows for a highly personalized tea experience by adjusting factors like tea-to-water ratio and infusion time.
  • Tea Bags: Convenient for standard tea varieties but may have limited options for specialty teas. Offers a more standardized brewing process.

4. Health Consideration:

  • Microplastics: It's essential to note that some tea bags are made from materials that contain microplastics, which can potentially leach into the tea during brewing. Opting for loose tea eliminates the concern of ingesting microplastics, ensuring a purer and more natural beverage.

Does loose leaf tea have an expiration date?

Loose leaf tea doesn't have a strict expiration date like perishable food items, but its quality can degrade over time. The shelf life of loose leaf tea depends on various factors, including the type of tea, how it's stored, and environmental conditions. Here are some general guidelines:

Tea Type:

Green Tea: Fresher is usually better. Green tea tends to have a shorter shelf life compared to other types of tea. It is best consumed within 6-12 months.

Black Tea: Can last longer, typically up to 18-24 months, if stored properly.

Oolong Tea: Similar to black tea, oolong tea has a relatively long shelf life, often lasting up to 18-24 months.

White Tea: Can be more delicate and is best consumed within 12-24 months.

Storage Conditions:

Keep loose leaf tea in airtight containers to prevent exposure to air, moisture, and odors.

Store tea in a cool, dark place, away from direct sunlight and heat, as these factors can accelerate the deterioration of tea leaves.

Avoid storing tea near spices or strong-smelling items, as tea can absorb odors.

Quality Indicators:

Pay attention to the aroma and flavor. If the tea starts to lose its characteristic aroma or the flavor becomes dull, it may be past its prime.

Check for any signs of mold or unusual discoloration. Fresh, high-quality tea leaves should retain their color and appearance.

While loose leaf tea doesn't "expire" in the traditional sense, it's essential to store it properly and be mindful of its quality indicators to enjoy the best flavor and aroma. If stored correctly, many types of loose leaf tea can remain enjoyable for an extended period.

Does loose tea have caffeine?

Yes, loose tea can contain caffeine. The caffeine content in tea is naturally occurring and varies depending on several factors, including the type of tea, the processing method, and the steeping time.

Here's a general overview of caffeine content in different types of loose tea:

  1. Black Tea: Black tea generally has the highest caffeine content among the various types of tea. On average, a cup of black tea can contain anywhere from 40 to 70 milligrams of caffeine, although these values can vary.
  2. Green Tea: Green tea typically contains less caffeine than black tea. On average, a cup of green tea might have around 20 to 45 milligrams of caffeine, depending on the specific type and brewing conditions.
  3. Oolong Tea: Oolong tea falls between black and green tea in terms of caffeine content. It usually contains around 30 to 50 milligrams of caffeine per cup.
  4. White Tea: White tea generally has the least amount of caffeine among the traditional tea types. A cup of white tea may contain around 15 to 30 milligrams of caffeine.

It's important to note that these are general guidelines, and the actual caffeine content can vary based on factors such as the tea's origin, processing, and brewing conditions. Additionally, herbal teas made from plants other than Camellia sinensis (the tea plant) are typically caffeine-free, making them a suitable option for those looking to avoid caffeine. Examples of caffeine-free herbal teas include chamomile, peppermint, and rooibos.